It is a little behind schedule, it is far from finished, and it may do less than earlier versions of GTDInbox did… but no one can now deny it is here!

Most importantly of all, I hope donators feel exceptionally proud – you are directly responsible for the new found momentum GTDInbox has. I hope I said thank you to every one of you personally, but I’ll never hesitate to say it again – thank you all.

The new website will go up either later on tonight or tomorrow, but it doesn’t yet have any help documentation anyway – so you are not missing anything.

As such, this release is only for people experienced with GTDInbox. There are no options to customise, no install routines to set labels up, and no help guides.

It’s also important to note that none of your settings will be carried over, but there are virtually no settings anyway. (I will try and set up the Options interface as soon as possible).

What we do have is a brand new backend that is more robust, and a brand new UI that has stripped all non-essential features and focused on making the remaining core features work as well as possible.

Over the next few weeks you will see rapid releases as we fix the bugs you find (please email me for now – – the forum is no longer the best place to report bugs); and build in the features we want for launch (there’s really just a handful of filter functions and a lot more polishing remaining). So stay peeled on this blog.

Please download it from,
(You should be able to open this link with Firefox and it will automatically install; otherwise download it to your computer, then in Firefox click ‘File’ -> ‘Open File’ and select it from the location you downloaded to. In both cases you will need to restart Firefox).


This was written by Andy Mitchell