Making Gmail more Elegant

(You can go full screen, and switch to HD)

I’m delighted to report we’ve done two big things…

Wash away the clutter

The first is to make the entire top of Gmail hideable. Just click the up-arrow at the top of the navigation. Don’t worry if you use Gmail’s keyboard shortcuts, it will reappear when you press / to search.

When it’s hidden, you could use our sidebar navigation instead to get around Gmail (just click the cube in the bottom left).

And in conversation, you can hide Gmail’s action bar by clicking the expander-arrows on the end of ActiveInbox’s action bar (HAB).

Make Move-Nexters glide you through your inbox

The Move-Nexter buttons are now configurable in Preferences. It’s definitely best to watch the video to see this, but I strongly recommend ‘Resetting’ them to “Glide Newer To Older (Shift Reverses)” -> which will mean when you click Archive it automatically moves to an older email, and if you Shift-click Archive, it’ll move to a newer email.

Conduct Gmail with your keyboard

(You can go full screen, and switch to HD)

Ok, this is kind of hush-hush… 🙂

We have a very very prototype-stage feature: a whole new way to do keyboard shortcuts.

First, you need to turn it on in Preferences, by checking ‘Use Keyboard Director’.

To start it, press Shift + Space in conversation. Press Enter to make the command happen, or Shift+Enter to chain commands.

Anyone familiar with QuickSilver or Alfred on the Mac will recognise the inspiration! But it’s very rough & ready: it only works in conversation, it has limited options, and it hasn’t been styled yet. Despite all that, we’d really love your early feedback.


This was written by Andy Mitchell